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What to expect...

...Experienced Osteopathic care...

Your first visit...

It is my aim to make your visit as relaxed, safe and comfortable as possible.  If you have been to an osteopath before or if this is your first experience of osteopathy, this section will explain the way I practice.


The consultation will begin with the taking of a detailed medical history.  This is the part of the session where I will be looking to gain a clear and thorough picture of what your body has ‘been through' over the years.  As much input form you is welcomed at this point.  Details of any previous scans, current investigations, illnesses, surgeries, traumas and stresses, emotional or otherwise, are essential to ensure the treatment I provide will be safe and effective, and realistic outcomes and treatment plans can be created. During consultations, sensitive information may arise and I wish to assure you that all of the information you provide me with is completely confidential.


Once we have explored your medical history, the physical assessment and treatment can begin… 


Osteopathy looks for signs and symptoms of health and dis-ease.  Your skin itself can provide very useful information. Osteopaths are also looking at the structure of your body, your posture, and any misaligned areas can not only be felt, but visual clues are also given.

In order for me to gain as much information visually as I possibly can, I usually ask patients to undress to their underwear or bring some shorts, leggings or loose fitting bottoms that they are happy to change into. If this is not something you are comfortable with, we can work around it so please do not feel under any pressure.  The most important thing is that you are comfortable within our session together. 


During the osteopathic assessment you will be asked to perform movements such as bending and twisting. This enables me to accurately locate where your pain is coming from, which bodily tissue is causing your symptoms.  I may also carry out some orthopaedic tests, take your pulses and reflexes and other clinical testing may be required.  Each patient is unique, and low back pain in one person may be caused by something quite different to low back pain in the next!  


Every treatment itself is also unique to each patient. I have many techniques which I utilise in my practice and what happens in each session may vary.  Generally I use soft tissue techniques such as massage, movement (articulation) of joints and joint manipulations.  In order to get the most of each technique, it is best that you are as relaxed as possible. I therefore encourage open communication and feedback from you. 


Your informed consent is paramount. I will explain techniques to you prior to applying them. If there is anything that you are unsure of or uncomfortable with then please verbalise this to me.  Sometimes some slight discomfort may be necessary during our sessions, yet differentiating discomfort from pain is key.


At the end of our treatment I will explain my working diagnosis and discuss factors that may be predisposing you to, and maintaining, your condition. I will provide you with exercises, stretches or postural advice I feel may benefit you, as well as other well-being advice.  I will also sign-post you to other therapists if this will help you on your journey back to health. 


Any questions or concerns you have are also welcomed throughout our time together.  Generally, I like to see patients twice at a minimum, although this is not essential.  This second session helps me to get feedback from you and your body as to how you have responded to the first treatment.  I can then gauge how and what your body responds to.  Any future sessions can then be more carefully tailored to your unique requirements. 


A course of treatment is generally best, which can range between 3 and 6 sessions. This of course varies for each patient.


I look forward to meeting you soon.


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